Wind farm

Environmental, social, and corporate governance

Our approach


  • Climate risk assessment: We will conduct a comprehensive assessment of climate-related risks and opportunities, including the impact of more regular extreme weather events and surge resilience, regulatory changes, and the carbon transition to net zero CO2 emissions
  • Net zero: We will establish clear targets for reducing our carbon footprint and achieving net zero by 2030. Implement energy-efficient practices, such as office sustainability initiatives, sustainable business travel guidance and remote work policies
  • Supply chain sustainability: We collaborate with suppliers to evaluate and improve the sustainability of our supply chain, ensuring responsible sourcing and minimising environmental impact through the delivery of goods and services


  • Diversity and inclusion: We will foster a diverse and inclusive workplace by implementing diversity training programs and creating a culture that values equality and inclusion
  • Community engagement: We will engage in community outreach and support initiatives that align with our core values, and encourage employees to volunteer and participate in social causes
  • Employee well-being: We will prioritise the well-being of our workforce by promoting mental and physical health programmes, work-life balance, and support systems for employees


  • Board oversight: We have a dedicated ESG champion on the board of directors to provide oversight, set goals, and monitor progress on Sustainability initiatives
  • Transparency and reporting: Enhance ESG disclosure through regular reporting, following industry standards and guidelines, such as the annual Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR)


What are we doing?

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GHG emissions measurement
We annually produce up-to-date baseline emissions illustrations, including emissions modelling to 2030.

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Centralised sustainable procurement model
Controlled and responsible supplier selection and product lifecycle data gathering helps us to make more intelligent, sustainable procurement choices.

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Company car fleet
We only offer electric and hybrid fleet vehicles, and encourage sustainable travel choices where practicable amongst our workforce.

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Home working and business travel
We operate a hybrid working model which allows office-based employees to work from home or another location for three days per week, thus reducing commuter travel and energy consumption.